Booking Info

how to book

Choose the date

Please select your preferred date for booking, located centrally in the booking form. Prior to moving forward with your purchase, ensure that the date and time chosen align with your plans.

Select a room for your escape adventure.

Choose your preferred time slot for the escape room game. To gain deeper insights into the specifics of the room, click on the 'Information' button. Alternatively, you can swiftly select a room by clicking the 'Select Room' button located in the top navigation panel.

Add additional players

Our minimum charge is based on a booking for four people. If you would like to include additional participants, you can do so in the extras tab. For example, if you add four more people to your booking, the total number of participants will be eight.

Get your booking confirmation

Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email and SMS. To ensure you receive these notifications, please provide accurate details in the information tab.